A wonderful way to support the Arboretum, honor a relative or friend, or create a lasting memorial to a loved one is to donate a tree or a bench. The information below outlines the process, cost, and species/style selection.
Memorial Trees
Where will my tree be located?
We have identified a number of locations selected as appropriate for planting a new tree. Please contact info@cylburn.org for more information on the available trees and to schedule a site visit.
When will my tree be planted?
We plant trees only in the Spring (between April 1 and May 20) or the Fall (between approximately October 1 and November 15). Some species should only be planted in the fall, and some prefer to be planted in the spring. Your tree will be planted according to the preferred planting time for the species.
What is included in my donor tree package?
- Site preparation: this includes soil testing and soil amendment as needed prior to planting.
- Tree purchase: we are very selective about sourcing trees to be planted; there are several high quality nurseries located within 50 miles of the Arboretum, and we prefer to purchase trees from those sources as they have “grown up” in climate conditions similar to ours, and we have confidence in the grower.
- Size of tree: we purchase a tree of 2″ to 3″ caliper; usually these trees are about 10 to 12 feet tall.
- Planting: we engage a professional arborist to manage the actual planting, including the size, width and depth of the tree pit; staking; mulching; and deer protection (all included in the package).
- Follow up care: new trees require careful attention for the first three years: watering, fertilizing as needed, pruning to assure proper growth habit, pest management attention and weeding and re-mulching of the tree pit. All are included in the package.
- This package has been developed to optimize the success of the planting. However, if the tree must be replaced within the first two years due to environmental circumstances beyond human control, we will replace it at our cost one time.
- Cylburn Arboretum’s Collections: As an arboretum, we are focused on the cultivation and display of trees for educational, scientific, and conservation purposes.Your tree will become part of Cylburn Arboretum’s collections and your gift contributes to the care of our collections as a whole.
What is the cost?
The minimum cost of donating a tree is $2,000, for all of the above. Please let us know if you are interested in attaching a legacy to your tree.
How do I start the process?
Contact us by e-mail at info@cylburn.org, or by phone at 410-367-2217 for more information on the available trees and to schedule a site visit.

Memorial Benches
Where will my bench be located?
Benches are located throughout the grounds. Sites are selected as appropriate based on vista and the need for a place to relax and replenish. We have a map of the grounds that notes the possible locations for benches.
When will my bench be installed?
We install benches throughout the year. The critical factors are weather, temperature, and availability of a crew to pour the concrete pad on which we install the bench.
What is included in my memorial bench package?
- Site preparation by our garden maintenance crew. This includes digging the hole and pouring the cement on which to attach the bench.
- Install the bench.
- We try to provide follow up maintenance, if necessary. However, we guarantee the bench for 10 years and will replace it within that period of time should an act of nature cause damage.
- At the end of 10 years we will replace the bench at your request or make the location available to another donor.
- The Cylburn Arboretum Experience: As a botanical garden, we treasure benches that enhance the visitor experience by providing comfortable resting spots throughout the garden. Your gift will offer visitors a chance to relax and take in the beauty of Cylburn Arboretum.
What is the cost?
The cost of installing a standard bench is currently $3,500. The benches are 6-ft.-long, constructed of high quality teak. The memorial plaques are available and included with the purchase. The company will install the plaque.
The cost of a Camp Small Bench, located in front of our Nature Education Center, is $2,500. A memorial plaque is also included with the purchase.
How do I start the process?
The process is the same as donating a tree. Contact us by e-mail at info@cylburn.org, or by phone at 410-367-2217 for more information on the available locations and to schedule a site visit.