
Pop-Up Display: City Nature Challenge
April 13 @ 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Join Master Naturalist, Pat Jonas, in the Nature Education Center, to learn about the City Nature Challenge!
Want to get Nerdy with Nature? Have you heard of the City Nature Challenge? Are you familiar with the iNaturalist app? Cities around the world collaborate to share observations of nature from April 25 -28. You can help support the Baltimore region in this years challenge to show the world the depth and breadth of our region’s impressive flora and fauna while exploring the natural world that lives in your backyard or here at Cylburn. Master Naturalist Pat Jonas will show us some of the many observations that have been made here at Cylburn over the past year and demonstrate how you can use the iNaturalist tool on your phone to record your observations. She will also be here at Cylburn on April 26 and 27 to provide assistance if you want to participate with us in the City Nature Challenge.